Sunday, July 4, 2010

This week brought to you by the letter "P"

Ah, the joys of motherhood. Cody has been a bit sick this week. On Monday night I saw a rash on his torso and thought I'd give it a day or two to see if it improved. It would come and go, sometimes in small patches, other times it looked like it was taking most of his body over. So on Wednesday, I scheduled a doctor's appointment to have it checked out. I was assured that it was just a case of hives and sent home with a "good luck."

Wouldn't you know it, but the next day Cody had flu-like symptoms, from both ends. In hindsight, Thursday night was pretty funny. I had both kids in the tub, didn't want Cody in too long in case he got sick. So, after he was washed and dried, he ended up on the kitchen island getting a drink of water. That's when I heard Meagan crying in the tub. Poor thing was traumatized but the #2 she had just done in the tub. Agh! Fished that out, got some clean bath water, washed and dried Meagan, got her dressed, then remembered Cody still wasn't dressed (but I was hoping Greg had put a diaper on him). No such luck! A case of diarrhea on the kitchen island! Oh well, at least it was contained - and easier to clean on the counter than on the carpet. I'm sure that island hasn't been scrubbed and sanitized in it's life as much as it was that night.

Cody, being the trooper that he is, still maintained every appearance that he was feeling great. So, we ventured to the swimming pool on Saturday afternoon. All went well during the swimming session, but on our way to the car it was like that scene from Stand By Me. Wow - I didn't know a two-year old could have such force in his little body. After he finished, he looked up at me with a big smile and announced, "Done puking."

I thought we were done with the letter P until this afternoon when Josh went to get Meagan up from her nap. Evidently she didn't want her dirty diaper on any longer because she took it off in her crib. Again, at least it was somewhat contained and I've learned a valuable lesson - no more putting her to bed in just her dress - panties/bloomers must be on. That being said she has the cutest nightgown on right now. So cute in fact, I'll go grab the camera.

On a lighter note, I played a piano solo today in Sacrament, "America, The Beautiful." It's rare that I come away feeling I played the piece the best I can but I felt that way today. It's nice to help set the tone for a meeting, especially on such an important holiday.

Here's wishing you all a happy Fourth of July!

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