Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where are Grandma and Grandpa?

How many times do you think mom will watch this?

Russia from Deonne Johnson on Vimeo.

Best April Fool's Day Joke

In a small town in rural Utah the following ad someone placed the following ad.


Beautiful home for sale with exquisite canyon traffic.  Boasts 5 bedrooms - 3 of which suffered absolutely no meth contamination.  Sits on 2 acres of fenced in heaven, complete with magical fruit tree and Olympic class kick ball field.  Large shed for wife's junk and husband's treasure's.  Must sell owners relocating to Iquana farm in Belize.  Will throw in trampoline of death for free.  Call now!! ... and then ... MY BROTHER'S PHONE NUMBER.

Wow ... this has to go up there on the list of practical jokes. Imagine the phone calls they have received - and the trouble that their friend is in. I think we all need to be thinking of a way to get him back. :) And it's obviously someone who went on the cruise with us, the reference is the Iguana farm in Belize is hilarious. My sister-in-law wondered if they served Iguana soup. The look on the ticket agent's face was PRICELESS.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fool's Day

About a week ago AJ texted me during rehearsal to let me know he had two black eyes and a bloody nose. YIKES! What could I do? I had carpooled to rehearsal and had no way to get home and really, what could I do if I was home? I told the babysitter to make sure he iced it and I would be home as soon as I could. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was an April Fool's Day joke - one week early. My dad has a saying, "If you mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns." Well, the horns came out yesterday, especially when I saw AJ had colored the left side of Jericho's face with permanent marker sometime in the middle of the night!

April Fool's Day Joke #1
This was planned before Jericho's face, so perhaps it was a bit too nice. Don't worry, the horns are coming. I thought it would be cute and cleaver to decorate AJ's locker at school - pretending as if he had a secret admirer.

I stuffed the inside of his locker with balloons (most of which I had filled with confetti), dumped confetti throughout his locker with an emphasis on the inside of his shoes, and left a king size Twix - his favorite candy bar. Cute, huh? But remember, this was all planned BEFORE the permanent marker.

April Fool's Day Joke #2
Big Daddy emailed his boss and worked and asked if he would participate in a joke by sending an official sounding email that we had to move. Here's the email....

I just got out of a meeting with Sonya and Jim.  As you are aware, the Sea Based JPALS program has undergone changes at the Program Office.  The new leadership has issued a mandate for improved efficiency and reduced costs. They are passing the mandate down to all contractors who directly work on the Sea Based JPALS program.  Therefore, we fall under this mandate. 

To that end, all ARINC personnel who charge the Sea Based JPALS program are now required to work ON-SITE at PAX NAS to support the program.  A one month transition period has been approved.  After that time you must be on-site to work this program.

If you wish to continue with ARINC and work this program, please make arrangements to relocate to the PAX area within the month.  I will find out about relocation assistance provided by ARINC.
How priceless is that? I couldn't have created a more perfect email on my own!  Big Daddy even pulled up the organizational chart to back up the position of the email sender.

Of course, if we're moving, we need to sell the house, so....

a good friend let us borrow a FOR SALE sign. (And yes, that is snow! We've had snow for the past few days. I'm ready for SPRING!) Unfortunately, AJ didn't fall for the joke as much as the other boys did. Darn! Well, the best joke was yet to come.

April Fool's Day Joke #3
I had called the soccer coordinator and asked her to call the boys during dinner time and let Jericho know his coach's info and act surprised that AJ didn't sign up. Well, she came up with something even better! Right on cue at 6:00 pm, the phone rang. I asked AJ to get it and he looked at the caller ID and said who is this? Well, his friend that was having dinner with us piped up, "She's in charge of the soccer teams." After talking to Jericho, she told AJ that his team had been canceled because she couldn't find anyone to coach. He fell for it HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! Love it!

Well, I finally confessed to the jokes right before bedtime. Looks like I have more work cut out for me for next year to beat this year's jokes. Any suggestions?